This is going to be another blog entry about Sarah Palin, the woman who was a heartbeat away from the Presidency of the United States of America. Her views were frightening, and the more she spoke throughout the campaign, the more it seemed she was way out of her league. I do not believe that is a result of sexism coming from the mainstream media and anonaymus bloggers, but rather the fact that she really was an extreme, right-winger, with views hardly anyone really agreed with. One of those beliefs was against gay rights, and that how she wanted to ban books based on a "gay friendly", was one of the many reasons I would have never voted for McCain/Palin. While Obama was not the most gay friendly candidate to ever run for the highest office in the land, there were other issues where I would much rather have him be President than McCain. With vacancies in the Supreme Court possibly coming during the next four years, I would welcome Obama's choices and trust him to appoint Liberal leaning justices. I think Wasilla, Alaska can have their fringe candidate back, just like Texas can have their village idiot back after losing him for eight, long, unforunate years.
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