The topic of gay marriage saddens me on many levels. The first being that in the year 2009 we still have to discuss, vote, make an issue of, who can and cannot get married. Secondly, that states would go even further than the more infamous Prop 8 in San Fransisco. Even more disturbing to me was this ballot during the run up to the Presidential election. Something that is even more difficult for me to understand the logic behind is not allowing two people of the same sex to adopt a child, which is what I wanted to blog about and chose as the main topic of this entry.
I do not understand why anyone would want to stand in the way of allowing two people of the same sexually orientation to bring a child into their home. This is especially baffling to me if they are shown to be capable, loving, warm people, who can not only give the child unconditional love, but a home. He or she might not have a "traditional" nuclear upbringing, but it is definitely better than having to stay at an orphanage. I do not understand why sexual orientation would prohibit anyone from adopting. They could be the most loving people in the world, but just because they are a same sex couple, they are disqualified? I just think that love is love, and should not be determined by race, creed, religion, gender, or orientation. I am saddened that in 2009, we are still facing this type of discrimination, especially here in America.
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