I could never understand the hangups of not being allowed to openly admit you are gay, and still serve in the military. I was still quite young when Bill Clinton signed Don't Ask, Don't Tell into law. I could not understand why people, who were giving their lives, fighting for this country, had to stay closeted, and could not serve openly. I thought it was real shameful. I did give Bill Clinton credit, however, for pushing forward the fact, and acknowledging that gays and lesbians were in our military. Fast forward to today, and this issue has come up again with President Obama. Sadly, it has been brought up in way that can be used to destroy and divide people, while helping social conservatives. It really annoys me when issues near and dear to Obama, which I tend to agree with, are seen as radical, socialist, or some left-wing agenda. It is never seen like this when the Republicans are in complete control of the country for 6 out of the 8 years and are allowed to destroy things, including keeping down gay-rights. It is more doublespeak from them and I hope it does not work. I really hope Obama can turn around the economy, and also work on social issues while not giving into the real radicals on the right. If that happens I am fearful about what could happen to gay-rights issues, especially with a person like Bobby Jindal leading the country.
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